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I always believe in using the best technology to give my patients an excellent experience and outcome to their dental implant surgery. One of the most fascinating techniques that I’ve adopted is Platelet Rich Fibrin Enhanced Healing (PRF). This significantly improves the healing and stability of the dental implant.

What is PRF?

PRF is a minor supplemental procedure that involves drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, then separating the components of the blood in a special machine and extracting the healing elements of the blood. These healing elements are then injected into the implant site to supercharge the body’s healing process in the surgical site.

This exciting technology involves little to no discomfort for patients, yet the rewards and benefits are enormous!

How PRF Works with Dental Implants

PRF works with your body’s own healing and regeneration systems without any external medicines or donors – it comes from your own blood! It greatly reduces the chance of post-operative complications and has been proven safe and effective to administer.

The process is simple. I draw a small amount of blood from my patient in test tubes. Then, I put the blood into a centrifuge that separates the blood into its individual parts which are red blood cells, plasma and a small concentrated amount of white blood cells and platelets. It’s the white blood cells and platelets that are responsible for the enhanced healing, and I take those and inject them directly into the implant site to promote healing in the area.

PRF is widely used in other medical specialties including dermatology and plastic surgery, although it still not broadly practiced in dentistry. The science has been proven in multiple studies and clearly shows enhanced healing of wound or surgery sites. It’s advanced technology, yet among the most natural healing solutions as it uses no outside medicines or synthetic substances.

Dental Implant Healing with PRF

PRF improves the healing and cell regeneration of both the soft tissue of your gums, and the hard tissue of your bones. Not only does PRF improve the healing process – it also speeds it up! Because of this, it reduces risk of complications such as a failed dental implant, failed bone grafting or infection.

The concentrated white blood cells and platelets help to increase blood flow and clear toxins from the dental implant surgery site. These biological factors mean that your implant will heal better and faster with this concentrated healing material from your own body!

Getting PRF Therapy with Your Dental Implant Surgery

Most dental offices don’t offer this advanced therapy. Because I’ve dedicated my practice to specializing in dental implants, I adopt the best technology so my patients can have healthy stable dental implants for life.

This enhanced healing technology can be an excellent adjunct therapy especially for patients who are seeking full-mouth dental implants, patients who also need bone grafting, or senior citizen patients who have been told they’re not candidates for dental implants. Even patients who need a single tooth dental implant may benefit if they have other medical factors that might otherwise inhibit their ability to heal.

Give us a call today and schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about PRF and the dental implant process. Dental implants are more affordable than you may think! And we have options for patients who are concerned about pain to make the experience easy and comfortable. I am one of the most extensively trained dental implant specialists in the Bay Area, and I can see your dental implant through from start to finish with outstanding results!


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